A Duck's Diary from the Jinney Ring Craft Centre

Just some of the stuff that I see here!

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Snow Palace

Just by the ponds in the back gardens there is an area that we know as the "piggery" (this dates back to the days when the building was a farm and pigs were kept in what is now the gardening area).  One night this week we had a burst pipe and it created a Snow Queen's palace effect ....

The Craft Centre has managed to stay open through the snow (except Saturday 19th when the heavy snow made it impossible), but many of the staff have struggled to get in so those that did make it have been covering in all areas - mucking in together.  We are not seeing many people out in the gardens as it is still bitterly cold.  The fox is still around but he shows up quite well in the snow so we are wary!

We understand that we are going to have some singing here tomorrow on Christmas Eve as Hanbury Church are relocating their christmas Eve Service to the Jinney Ring rather than risk people getting up the very steep hill in the icy conditions - this should be lovely!  After this the Craft Centre is closed for Chirstmas day and Boxing Day, reopening on the 27th at 11am.

We would like to wish all our followers and readers a "Quacking" good Christmas! 

Sunday, 19 December 2010

White World....

It is so cold at the moment that even walking on the snow is painful - when we got fed this morning it was easier to sit down to eat than stand on the frozen surface.  We did all feel a lot warmer with some corn inside us though.

Yesterday was a white out in the garden - the snow did not stop from morning until night, about 10 - 12 inches - amazing.  This morning the sky is blue and it looks truely lovey for miles.

View to the Malverns from the Conservatory door 

The snow on the back gate shows how much snow fell yesterday! 

The roads around seem to be moving today (yesterday they were not good!) and a few folk have ventured out to see us.  Some of the staff here have had trouble getting off their drives and have not been able to get to work so there is a skeleton crew - but they are all mucking in to get the place up and running again.
Marcus and Tom - who work in the Kitchen are helping move the snow
Mick drives the mini-digger which has a snow plough on the front - Matt lives on site and is kindly helping out!

The path to the restaurant - past the wishing-well. 
Some of the craft workshop holders have made it in today as they have customers coming for Christmas Presents - Belinda Terry and "From the Tree" are here and the others are doing their best to get in if they can.  The car park is cleared at the front and the gift shop and restaurant will be open until at least 4pm.

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Sad and very cold week in the garden!

We are all very sad this week as Jessica the Bengal Eagle owl, who lived at the Falconry at the end of the garden has died.  She had been poorly for about a week but the Vet could not find out what was wrong with her.  She had a very enlarged liver, but no-one knew why.  Jessica was only 17 and could have lived for twice this based on other owls of her type.  Dave and Danielle, the on site Falconers, are really upset as is everyone in the garden and the Craft Centre, as she was a real character and also gave you a good welcome when you visited.  Jess was a bit of a celebrity, often appearing on TV/film or at shows (see below).  We will miss her. 

We have had the water trickling all week trying to keep the top pond free of ice as far as possible - still seeing the fox everynight, but I think even he is a bit chilly at -10 degrees celius.  The Craft Centre has been a bit quiet this week considering it is Christmas, but listening to those that came, the roads are very well gritted this time, so there is no problem visiting us --- and we are a bit short of bread at the moment (we are getting more corn though, as we do need the internal heating!!).