A Duck's Diary from the Jinney Ring Craft Centre

Just some of the stuff that I see here!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Heat Wave, Apples and More....

My 'scribe' has been on holiday so I am unavoidably behind in the my news, many apologies. (It is probably no surprise to you, but the computer companies have yet to make a keyboard that is 'webfoot' friendly... but who knows what quackers ideas will come next!).  As a result I have lots to catch up on over the last few weeks.
Coach trip - BARRA enjoy tea in the garden on 29th September!

The late September heat wave appears to have been very welcome in the gardens here - one group of visitors arrived by coach and had their tea served in glorious sunshine in the gardens, a couple even gave me a taste of their shortbread.  They were the Birmingham Air Raid Remembrance Association (BARRA), an very interesting group.  

Being birds we are always interested in our fellow species and over the last month we have been visited several times by the RSPB who has set up a stall in the front courtyard.  They have been quite successful at recruiting new members we hear so I guess this will protect a few more of us - although have to admit to having a pretty good life here myself!

Also in the front courtyard/carpark we had a lot of excitement on the 16th October with what has now become an annual event of "Apple Pressing".  Pressing went on all day and a lot of juice was made for drinking neat and turning into cider - this happens once a year and is in October.  Mick and neighbour Matt (who kindly helped out) both had very sore arms next day!
Mick above was crushing apples all day!
I have not been able to see them yet but keep hearing about the exhibition of "Tea Cosies" that has arrived from the Avoncroft Museum and is inside the restaurant, there are apparently some lovely cosies on hanging around the beams on display and for sale.  The Tea cosies have been made by volunteers to raise funds for the conservation of the Avoncroft Museum's historic buildings.  Sadly, whilst there is a cosy with chickens on,  there are none with ducks on --- maybe next time!

Part of the Gift Shop Christmas Display
Even with a heat wave, the gift shop staff have been thinking about Christmas and have now launched their Christmas stock and displays with a preview night (on the same night as the autumn/winter "pudding night").  Don't worry if you missed it though as there is a Christmas late night shopping night (including supper) on 10th November and then a "switch on" of Christmas lights with the full centre open on the 23rd November with music and food, we are looking forward to that as the ponds will be lit up and it looks really pretty in the gardens at night.
Maureen and John - happy events at the Jinney Ring!

This weekend we have had a lovely wedding party here.  The couple, Maureen and John, had their first date at the Jinney Ring and then a big engagement party here last year so it wonderful to see them back for their wedding breakfast.  They had an intimate party in our meeting room and then a stroll around the gardens as the weather was lovely for yesterday. We hope to see them back for their next celebration soon as they are committed "Jinney Ringers"!

This is not everything that went on but need to "quack on" now .....

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