A Duck's Diary from the Jinney Ring Craft Centre

Just some of the stuff that I see here!

Monday, 7 May 2012

Windy week!

The wind last Sunday caused a lot of ruffled feathers and not that many visitors - we were blown all over the place and it was not that nice on the ponds.  There were a number of trees down around the centre, but fortunately the one that fell in the forest school area managed to narrowly miss the shelter.  Monday was a day of tidying up, picking up benches and cutting up the fallen trees !

 A near miss - it was tidied up by the time Hanbury School came to visit.
We hear that the ducklings at the school are growing fast and are now due to be with us next week - this will mean that the others will need to move into the larger duck house, it is about time as they are also growing fast - they will probably be out on the pond this week.  

The cows arrived back in the field yesterday -- you should have seen them charge around - we think it is the first time they have been let out this year, they are still pretty frisky now.  Good to see them back though as the grass is now so so long!.

This weekend has been a bit brighter weather wise, with plenty of visitors. Yesterday we had a classroom full of bee-keepers too.  They were on a course and this seems to be something that is increasingly popular here, partially as the local bee-keepers have hives here and are regularly checking them throughout the summer months.  They do look strange in their white gear walking through the fields (the cows find it fascinating too!).

Next week the site will start getting decorated for the Jubilee -- lots of red white and blue, bunting, plants and some glass too --- can't wait for the parties!  http://www.jinneyring.co.uk/acatalog/Diamond_Jubilee_Celebrations.html

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