A Duck's Diary from the Jinney Ring Craft Centre

Just some of the stuff that I see here!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Beer Festival (2)

The Beer Festival continued .....A busy night in the restaurant Saturday - lots of pies and pints sold on Saturday night and plenty to do and see...

Deborah Rose and Friends Saturday Night in the Restaurant - Beautiful  voice !
Belle D'Vain - Morris/Clog Dancers - they hopped in and out with the showers

Great Fun!
A Posh Git (Mickey with his dog) and the Scouser (Griff) - Brilliant!
Emily - had her face painted for the day by Cynthia for the Cinnamon Trust
Lots more done later in the day with the England Flag.... wonder why??
Apart from the Beer festival on Sunday - the ducklings came back to the garden and are now safely in the pen and enjoying the fresh air... all looking healthy and well, do come an see them in their new improved pen, complete with built in swimming pool!

New area segregated for the ducklings and recovering ducks - Built by Mick.

Time for a rest now --- it has been a really busy couple of months, now need to recoup and get the garden a bit dryer -- for the summer, if it ever comes!!

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