A Duck's Diary from the Jinney Ring Craft Centre

Just some of the stuff that I see here!

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Birds of a different feather!

It is positively 'raucous' in the garden at the moment with the, now young adult, ducklings demanding food of everyone that comes into the garden - they have no manners at all and seem to think humans are just here to feed them!  The worrying thing is that there are more little ones coming through, some 'teenagers' on the water pen and now some new ducklings in the pen (above).  The ones above are 'interlopers' as they are new breeds, 3 'magpie' ducks (as their name suggests these will be black and white when fully grown) and 3 Cayuga ducks which will be blackish green.   There are two white ones keeping them company too and one of these seems to have a crest, which is great!  Four of these ducklings where incubated and hatched by the reception class at Hanbury School - they do a very good job and the children do love them so.

Sadly the little duckling with the bad feet (in the last entry) did not make it, he was doing well but fell over backwards in the night and could not right himself so got too cold, we were very sad about this but hopefully we have learnt a thing or too about fixing feet.

The Centre and garden have been pretty busy this week, lots of new visitors too.  Today there was a chocolate party going on, and in the week the Pottery had a Raku firing evening for their class, this is done in outside in a big dustbin, all pretty exciting!

One bit of very sad news though, we heard that Mary, one of the regular amateur artists from the Thursday Art Circle has just passed away - we will miss her very much.  

The Art Circle are going to be on TV soon - we have the team from Escape from the Country filming here on Tuesday and they have been asked to be in the background.  I expect we will see them out in the gardens too - especially my crested friend who is so photogenic!

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