A Duck's Diary from the Jinney Ring Craft Centre

Just some of the stuff that I see here!

Sunday, 3 November 2013

2 Weddings and Funeral....

The beginning of October saw two weddings and funeral party here.  The first weekend was the wedding of Lauren and Dan - we had got to know them and their lovely daughter Adelaine quite well as they came to visit us ducks a lot during the planning of their big day.

The bridal 'vans'- all dressed up!

'Bearly' a minute to themselves - Lauren and Dan with one of this years sculptures
A 'staggeringly' pretty Bridesmaid! 
The weather was lovely for the wedding party and held for Sunday too when we were privileged to celebrate the life of one of our Hanbury neighbours Isobel, with a buffet lunch party in the garden.  The family were determined that she should be remembered in memorial in the way that she had lived her life, with a cheerful and happiness so they brought along lots of pictures and memorabilia and lots of her friends came and shared stories.  It was a lovely day and a great send off.

The wedding party of Emma and Michael was wet, really wet so we only saw them through the window of the restaurant.  The weather did not put the party off though - the restaurant was all dressed up and looked cosy and warm an everyone danced the night away until the early hours.  We caught a brief glimpse of the Bride and Groom as they had some photos taken under the eaves of the building - they looked gorgeous.

After this last wedding of the year we had a bit of a breather - mostly becuase it rained for 2 weeks.  There was a bit of a rush in the middle of the week as they Centre staff took down the marquee sides once they heard the storm warning forecast - we were preparing for the worst ourselves but as it turned out it was not too bad at all on the pond.

There is probably no such thing as a quite time at the Jinney Ring, half term has just finished and despite the rain we have seen a lot of children and adults alike and it looks like Christmas shopping has started!

On the ponds the 6 'late' ducklings that hatched a few weeks ago have been growing steadily in the pen and this weekend decided to brave it into the bigger pond - they certainly chose a noisy and windy weekend to 'breakout', we all watched the local fireworks from the ponds yesterday, we stayed in our safe zone!

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