A Duck's Diary from the Jinney Ring Craft Centre

Just some of the stuff that I see here!

Monday, 30 March 2015

Cameras, Music, Action!

Well actually no music but plenty of camera and action this week in the Centre....

Firstly we had Sherlock Holmes here on Friday night - in the guise of the "Don't go into the Cellar' company.  A cosy supper in the conservatory was followed by a one man performance taking guests through the "Singular exploits " of Sherlock's life, it included cameo performances from his brother Mycroft and also the dreaded Moriarty!  The acting was marvelous, facial expressions and mannerisms that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would have been proud of!

We followed this performance through the windows but could see that it went down very well.  The next bit of "action" was some filming for an Edgar Allen Poe film by Big Frog Productions.  The filming was in the area that the local school children use for their Forest School which is in the small woodland at the end of the site.  We are looking forward to seeing the film and hope it is a blockbuster!

Aside from this is has been a relatively quiet week in the gardens, lots of my friends are pairing up now and the mallards that fly are disappearing to find new nesting sites where they can 'be alone'. Two of my female friends have been struck down with swollen ankles which is making them limp quite badly.  They are resting in the pen by the pond and are being given antibiotics - it seems to be doing the trick even though they both hate having the syringe put down their throats each day.  Hope to see them back on the pond soon.

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